Electric guitar is a CULT, it´s passion and once you are cought under this religion there is no way back.

Welcome to MMG Custom guitars, to the world of two lunatics who have decided to fulfill their dreams. After  many years of playin´ guitars, checking all possible models, pickups and wood combination we once decided to try to build our own guitar.

After a few first attempts we get a first playable prototype. What a pleasure if you install last piece of hardware, put your strings on, plug in …and it plays! I will never forget that feeling. It is an addiction and with every next piece this feeling comes again.

After some time and a few next guitars, we have created 3 prototypes we´d love to show you and convince you that these are the guitars you will love.

The same way as we do.

We hope you will enjoy it.

Michal Zeman

August 2015